Over 16 years of experience in Custom Business Research. Trusted by experts and professional speakers in various industries.
Each month, more than 10,000 speakers turn to our website in their search for new speaking opportunities, making over 2,000 applications every day.
We collect and present open calls for speakers for events taking place in United States, Canada, United Kingdom & Australia
75% of speakers suffer from speech anxiety. We help you build confidence by getting prepared early.
By doing the gig research for you, you save 82% of your time, allowing you to focus on your speech.
41% of speakers depend on social media to discover speaking gigs. We offer a direct-to-apply list of open calls.
Create an account and explore your member dashboard prior to choosing a membership plan.
Purchase the plan of your preference to access our directory of calls for speakers. All fees are non-refundable. Cancel anytime.
Navigate through hundreds of speaking gigs using our advanced filtering system to find those you are interested in applying.
Visit the links provided to apply to a speaking gig directly via the organizer’s website.
Create an account and explore your dashboard prior to choosing a membership plan.
Choose the promotion plan of your preference. You will pay for it after the call submission.
Fill in the form provided with all necessary call for speakers details. Edit your draft as many times you wish prior to the final submission.
Submit your call for speakers for approval and pay for its promotion. We will examine it, correct any typos, update the details and publish it in our directory on top placement.
Multiple filter options, by keyword, dates, location, paid benefits etc.
Search calls while moving on the map.
Save your favorite calls to your personal list and apply later.
Get a quick preview of the speaker fees and the key benefits.
Create your custom V-card and share your contact details to everyone easily.
Get your badge and use it on your marketing materials.
View more calls related to your search preferences.
Get quick help simply by sending us an email!
Fill up to 20 fields, most of them are multiple choice. Examples and instructions provided.
See a full preview of the listing with the details you provided, before your purchase.
Edit your listing details as many times you wish before submitting the final version.
We will examine and cross reference all the details you provided prior to publishing.
We will correct any incorrect details and typos in your listing prior to publishing.
When the deadline reaches, we will mark it as closed, but your listing will stay published until the end date of the event.
The listing page is well designed and the data presented are properly organized in different sections for easier navigation by the speakers.
Get quick help simply by sending us an email!
Start building your speaking career.
Save 47% off the weekly plan and browse more calls
Save 62% off the monthly plan and apply all year
We strive to boost the speaking careers of our members by discovering the best speaking opportunities for them, allowing them to focus on building their speech content.
We are proud to offer the only daily updated directory of speaking opportunities across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.
Set of 40 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 28 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 20 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 53 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 45 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 34 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 23 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 39 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 52 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 37 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 1620 calls being prepared for publishing within this week.
Set of 45 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 53 new speaking opportunities added.
Set of 45 new speaking opportunities added.